
Does Yoga Help with Digestion?



Does Yoga Help with Digestion: Yoga has been practiced for several years due to its numerous physical and mental advantages. A few people use Yoga for inner peace and few of them want to get some physical advantages like digestion. Yoga has a great impact on our digestive system.


Regular Yoga does not only tone up the muscles of your specific body part but also stimulates its growth by improving blood circulation. For example, if you are practicing regular face yoga it will not only improve your sagging skin but also tone up the muscles and as a result, we can reduce our aging factor.


In the same way, practicing yoga regularly will strengthen your abdomen muscles and even stimulate the organs (including the stomach, liver, etc) of the digestive system.


Apart from that yoga is the best therapy against stress which is also a positive sign for digestion.


How Yoga Benefits Digestion


Blood Circulation:

All of us know that yoga exercises increase blood circulation in the body so in this way, we can increase blood flow in certain areas of our body. By this, digestive organs get the fresh oxygen that is necessary for organ development.


Reduced Stress:

Studies show that if you are under stress, your digestion can be affected by it. So, we can release our stress and relax through yoga and in this way, we also get a positive impact on over-digestion.


Digestive Organs:

Through different poses twists or types of bending, we can easily increase the blood circulation in abdominal muscles to improve their productivity or functionality. These poses increase blood flow and improve the efficiency of organs.


Does Yoga Help with Constipation?

Yes. As yoga has a great impact on abdominal muscles it can also fix constipation. Stress, dehydration junk food, or poor diet are mainly the cause of constipation.


How Yoga Helps Relieve Constipation


Digestive Tract:

If we can increase the blood flow of our digestive tract definitely, we can cure digestion or constipation issues and a good thing is we can do it with yoga because it increases the blood flow to tone up the muscles.


Promoting Relaxation:

Stress or dehydration is a common reason behind constipation if you are not eating junk food or a bad diet so yoga’s relaxation techniques can give us relief from it.


Increasing Circulation:

We can fix our constipation issue through yoga as yoga increases the blood circulation in our body. So the specific poses that have an impact on our abdominal area can reduce our constipation.


Which Yoga Is Best for Digestion?


Let’s take a look at some of the best yoga to treat the digestion or constipation issue:


Hatha Yoga:

Numerous exercises contain Hatha yoga which works with digestion. Hatha yoga belongs to breath control.


Vinyasa Yoga:

Moving from one style to another style in Vinyasa yoga, is a good option to improve blood circulation in our abdominal area and improve the functionality of the digestive system.


Yin Yoga:

Concentration on long-hold styles in Yin Yoga is also a good choice to stretch our connective tissues to get the required results.


Restorative Yoga:

Concentrate on deep stretching to release stress. We release our stress or anxiety which is highly beneficial for the digestive process.


Let’s discuss some of the best yoga poses regarding the question Does Yoga Help with Digestion?


Best Yoga Poses for Digestion


Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)


Stretching spine and abdominal organs in this yoga pose. Using this pose we improve our digestive organ’s functionality and get also relief from constipation.


How to do it: Simply stretch your legs and sit on them then bend your arms and your upper body towards your feet and try to hold your feet or ankles. Stay hold for a few minutes or breath in the same pose.


Wind-Relieving Pose (Pavanamuktasana)


You can easily guess the benefits of this pose by its name Wind Relieving Post that is releasing gas from our abdominal area.


How to do it: After lying down bend your knees towards your chest. Hold for a few seconds to minutes and do the same for the other knee.


Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)


How to do it:

  • Put your knees on the floor
  • Bend your abdominal area down
  • Lift-up your chest
  • After a few seconds, move your abdominal area upwards

You will hold your knees on the floor after that you will start bending your lower back down and at the same time, you will lift the chest upwards, after a few couple of seconds move your lower back upwards when you are exhaling the breath.


Twisted Chair Pose (Parivrtta Utkatasana)


How to do it: To do this stand straight and relax on your feet and then start bending your knees as normally we are sitting in a chair after this process start turning your hands to prayer form along with it turn your upper body to a side and place your elbow to the opposite knee.


Supine Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)


How to do it: After lying down on the floor expand your left arm to the left side and right arm to the right side then bend one of your knees and twist it on the other leg.


Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)


How to do it: To do this lie down on your stomach on the floor with straight legs now place your both hands right under your shoulder point now start lifting your chest upward from the floor politely. Hold the position for a few breaths.


Child’s Pose (Balasana)


How to do it: Simply put your hands on the floor and sit back on your heels now expand your arms and hands forward. Hold the position for a few breaths. In this way, we put pressure on our abdominal organs to stimulate their functionality.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can We Drink Water After Yoga?


Yes, but don’t take too much water otherwise it will create different problems for you like it will interfere with your digestion processes. If you take a limited amount of water it helps you to reduce dehydration in your body after yoga, as we normally sweat a lot in some certain poses. So, a small amount of water or sips are a good option especially when you are taking a bit warmth water.


How Long After Yoga Can I Eat?


You can take your meal for at least half an hour to an hour. This is ideal to wait for an hour. This thing will allow the body back to a resting state which leads to a better digestion of your food. Your body requires some time to turn it back or a normal functioning situation before eating.




Does Yoga Help with Digestion? Yes, Yoga is a very powerful exercise that can not only improve your digestion but also eradicate or fix your constipation issue. Only consistency is required. If you are not suffering from digestion or constipation issues you can use yoga to eliminate the stress or anxiety to live happy and healthy.

Stay happy and healthy and share your thoughts regarding Does Yoga Help with Digestion in our comments section.

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