
Face Yoga vs. Botox: A Guide to Anti-Aging Techniques



Face Yoga vs. Botox: All of us, want to be young with the age which is not easy to achieve. People do a lot of activities such as a perfect diet, regular exercises like face yoga, consumption of different creams and serums, and even advanced medical treatments like Botox injections.


Face yoga & Botox injections are gaining popularity these days to prevent aging factors. Today we will discuss a detailed comparison between face yoga vs Botox along with their advantages and disadvantages.

So let’s move on to exploring

What is Face Yoga?

It is a bunch of exercises from yoga that are designed to stimulate the facial muscles by increasing blood circulation and enhancing collagen production to prevent wrinkles and aging factors from our face. This is a natural way to maintain the aging factor instead of different surgeries injections or other types of medical dangerous treatments.


What is Botox?

Botox is an advanced medical treatment in which a doctor injects botulinum toxin into specific parts of our face to prevent aging factors. Through this process, we relax the muscles for a specific time (3 to 6 months) causing wrinkles. In this way, we can delay our aging factors. Botox is an FDA-approved medical procedure and maybe this will be a reason for its popularity among people to temporarily reduce aging or wrinkles.


Is Face Yoga Really Effective?

Nowadays, Yoga Expert’s debates are going on the impact of face yoga on aging. A few studies show that face yoga helps to tone up the facial muscles and improve the elasticity of skin but scientific research is limited on this matter.



In 2018, a study was published by the journal JAMA Dermatology that shows regular face yoga exercises for 4 months have a great impact like fuller cheeks and a younger appearance. All the participants performed face yoga daily for 30 minutes for over 4 months and most of them were satisfied with the results. But the bad thing is the study was small and tested on a small number of people that’s why it is difficult to finalize the same results for a wider population.


As per face yoga lovers, face yoga not only strengthens the muscles but also increases blood circulation as well as promotes collagen production. This thing will not only reduce the impact of aging but also enhance your appearance. So,


Does Face Yoga Actually Work?

The answer will be Yes, but keep in mind, that you can achieve these results slowly and gradually. As compared to Botox medical treatment. You can see the changes in your face within a few days through this treatment.


Face yoga is an option for those who are searching for a natural process and long-term results. It can help to reduce wrinkles or skin sagging but keep in mind, it will not work for severe aging. Secondly, you will not get results within a few couple of days as in Botox as well and you need to be consistent in your exercises in face yoga.


What is the Best Time to Do Face Yoga?

The answer to this question depends on your routine or lifestyle but I think the best time for face yoga is in the early morning or before going to bed.



As we are normally fresh in the morning so practicing at this time can help to promote blog circulation in facial muscles a bit quicker and you will feel fresh and energized during the day ahead.


Before Bed:

After the hectic routine of a full day, practicing face yoga at night relaxes our facial tension and we get a healthier sleep at night.


After Skincare Routine:

A few people also prefer to perform the exercise after using their skin care products. That’s also a good option because, in this way, your skincare products can easily penetrate your skin more deeply and easily.


So, the best time depends on your lifestyle or routine. You should perform face yoga at least 20-30 minutes a day and at least 4-5 days a week.


Can Face Yoga Make You Look Younger?

Yes, it will help a lot to look younger for a limited time. And it works by improving blood circulation and collagen in facial muscles. It’s a slow long-term and gradual process.


Face Yoga Pros and Cons


Pros of Face Yoga:

Reduced Fine Lines:

Fine lines or small wrinkles can be reduced through face yoga regularly.


Improved Muscle & its Elasticity:

As we improve the blood circulation in our face it strengthens our facial muscles and improves elasticity which reduces the muscle’s sagging and as a result, we look younger than our age.


Natural Approach:

It’s a 100% natural process that we use to improve our appearance. We are not going to take any medical procedure with chemicals and surgical equipment.



We are not going to use any expensive medical treatment so it’s a cost-effective process. You just have to invest your time and consistency unlike Botox or cosmetic surgery.


Cons of Face Yoga:


As it’s a natural process, it takes time to show their results. So, we need to have patience.

Limited Scientific Evidence:

The scientific research and studies are limited in this case. A few studies are available.


Results Vary:

The results of Face yoga may vary depending on the routine lifestyle and the deficiencies of our body. It might be possible that someone requires more time to show results due to severe sagging or wrinkles.


Difference Between Face Yoga and Botox

In short words, face yoga is a natural process to reduce wrinkles and aging factors from our face, a long-term and time-consuming process and the results can also vary for all of us whereas if I talk about Botox, it’s a quick medical treatment in which dermatologist use different chemicals needles and surgical equipment during the process that can be harmful.


You can see results within a few couple of days and for a limited time.

Botox Injection Benefits


Immediate Results:

As I said earlier in the article that is a medical procedure so the results are quicker than the natural process.


Effective for Deep Wrinkles:

Face yoga is not very effective for deep wrinkles. Severe wrinkles can be moderated by the Botox process.


Temporary Commitment:

The results are for a limited time of 3 to 6 months but the good thing is you can repeat the process which gives us control over the treatment.


Conclusion: Which is Right for You?

The simplest answer to this question is it’s your choice. If you can be consistent and want long-term natural results you can move towards face yoga otherwise Botox option is also available for you.


Secondly, if you have deep wrinkles then I think Botox is the only option for you because face yoga will not help a lot in case of deep wrinkles.


So, both techniques have their own advantages and disadvantages. We have compiled them all and mentioned them above in the article Face Yoga vs. Botox. You can read them and choose an option that fits for you.

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