
Pilates Mat vs Yoga Mat



Are you searching for the real difference between Pilates Mat vs Yoga Mat? Do you think Yoga and Pilates mind-body practices are the same? Definitely no, so how pilates mat and yoga mat can be the same? Both mind-body practices are different, so the mats also have a bit of difference.

Mainly both practices are focused on flexibility, strength and inner peace. They also have a lot of similarities like controlled breathing and movements but different patterns or exercises. So, that’s why these types of questions arise in our minds for example, is a pilates mat the same as a yoga mat or the difference between pilates mat and yoga mat.

Let’s move a little deeper to get the answers to these questions or Pilates Mat vs Yoga Mat

Is a Pilates Mat the same as a Yoga Mat

No, both practices are different so the mats are also different. If you use the same mat for both practices, you will face discomfort impacting your exercise. As a result, you will lose your focus and even may you also lose the real output of the exercise inner peace.

Difference between Pilates Mat and Yoga Mat

Yoga Mat & Pilates Mat both have differences and impacts on exercises, for example, yoga mats are built for more balance and standing postures whereas if I talk about pilates mats, they are built for more sitting and kneeling.

This is the major difference. Based on this, both mats have a lot of differences in their material, thickness, sizes, density etc.

Material difference between Pilates and Yoga Mat

Pilates mats are mostly built with synthetic materials i.e. foam to provide some extra safety layer to keens. This is the most popular material used to manufacture pilates mats due to its high cushioning. On the other hand, it has less stability with comparison to a yoga mat if standing.

Some pilates mats are being built with PVC material which is more resilient than the foams but still, it is a synthetic material that is not recommended, in order to achieve the real benefits of exercise. This material mat is inexpensive but not eco-friendly and durable.

Whereas if I talk about Yoga mats, a few of the yoga mats are still being built with PVC but they are not considered as an ideal choice. So, most yogis use other material mats such as natural rubber mats which are not only environmental-friendly but durable and long-lasting mats. It provides more cushioning and support during standing exercises.


Pilates mats are thicker than yoga mats and the simplest reason behind it they are built for more sitting and kneeling. In Pilates exercises, you are mostly used to lying down in a supine position on your back, similarly, side-position or quadruped position, so you need more cushioning. That’s why the Pilates mat thickness starts from 6mm to upwards.

Comparatively, if I talk about yoga mats, they come in different thicknesses starting from 1mm to upwards. 1mm or 2mm mats are too thin. Due to the low thickness level, these thickness yoga mats are easy to carry and travel. So, most of the people who normally used traveling, prefer thin yoga mats. Read in detail about yoga mat thickness here.

Secondly, more thickness may interrupt you with balancing during yoga exercises and you feel off-balance in standing positions.

Weight or Density

As we have already mentioned above that Pilates mats are thicker than yoga mats. That increases the weight or density of a mat and makes it difficult to transport or even carry the mat. Usually, pilates mats start from 6mm up to 15mm thick whereas an ideal yoga mat thickness is between 3 to 5mm


If I talk about the regular yoga mat size it’s normally 68 inches in length that can be increased up to 74 inches for a long yoga mat and 24 inches in width. Whereas, Pilates mats are usually the same in height but wider in width.

Can I use Pilates Mat for Yoga?

Yes, pilates mat can be used for yoga exercises but not recommended, because you will face a lot of distractions with respect to cushioning, thickness and gripping. Through this, you will lose your focus during exercise. So, it is preferable to use yoga mats for yoga.

Making the Right Choice

First of all, finalize which exercise you want to perform Pilates or Yoga. After finalizing, keep your focus on key considerations like the main differences between pilates mat and yoga mat are the thickness, density/weight and the material. Thicker mats can be more problematic concerning carry, moving from one place to another, absorbing sweat and germs. And lastly, such mats are difficult to clean without proper cleaning. So, keep in mind these things while finalizing the mat for exercises.

If you have a plan to practice both exercises and don’t want to fill the place with two mats, you should use a yoga mat of 5-6mm. But make sure, you are not a beginner, then it will work otherwise don’t try it.


The type of mat depends on what type of excerise you will practice. If you have a yoga plan then you should buy a yoga mat instead of a Pilates mat and the same for the Pilates practice.

Hopefully, I have shared all the possible answers to the questions Pilates Mat vs Yoga Mat or difference between Pilates mat and yoga mat.

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