Which is the Best Yoga Mat Thickness?
Best Yoga Mat Thickness
Which is the best yoga mat thickness or which mm is best for yoga mat? These are the most important questions for all yogis because yoga mat thickness greatly matters. Thicker mats are the better option for yogis, no matter if you’re a beginner or a well-experienced person. Because thickness provides extra cushioning and support, especially for those, who suffer from sensitive knees and ankles. It’s good to perform yoga in a well-manner. But
Which thickness yoga mat is best?
It’s a bit tricky to give you the right answer because it depends on the person’s age, weight and any type of medical condition if have. In order to finalize the mm for your yoga mat, you need to consider few of the factors to choose the right one.
Because if you go for the highest thickness level, it will not be recommended by the experts and even can create problems like unstability during yoga. As well as, it will be difficult to carry due to its extra weight. So, that’s why we need to consider different factors before finalizing the yoga mat.
Things need to be considered before choosing yoga mat thickness
Age & Body Type
First of all, age matters a lot if you are a young person then you no need to go for more thicker yoga mat than the standard thickness but if you are old age or heavy in weight as per your age then definitely, you should go for the thick mat instead of standard.
Consider your Medical / Physical Condition
If you are not suffering from any medical or physical conditions like knee pain, then there is no need to go for a thicker yoga mat but if you are suffering then, you should go for the thicker yoga mat to stay safe. In the same way, if you are a newbie with physical condition you will choose the high mm yoga mat.
Type of Practice
Yoga mat thickness also depends on the kind of yoga you are practicing. It matters a lot because some types of exercise require more support and some types do not. Like if you are planning to practice yin yoga or restorative yoga type, you will need a bit more thickness.
What is the standard yoga mat thickness?
Standard yoga mat thickness is between 3 to 6mm. If you go for less than 3mm like 1-2mm, it’s a thin one that is easy to carry and easier to save but not suitable for protection even for a normal person. Because it will not provide you with more cushioning and support during yoga.
On the other hand, if you go beyond the 6-8mm, it will become more thick. In this case, you will not have a connection with the ground. It will not be easy to save and store but it will be good for those with physical conditions or knee pain. Sometimes, it also depends on your exercise or yoga
A 4-5mm thick yoga mat is perfect for a normal person. Because it will be easy to carry and save and provide you with the best cushioning and support to perform well.
Travel Yoga Mats
If you have a plan to travel with yoga mat, you can take 1-2mm thick which will prove good concerning travel. 1-2mm yoga mats are thin mats that are suitable for traveling but never recommended for a person with a physical condition.
Best yoga mat thickness for bad knees
So, now we are talking about a special physical condition in which a person suffers from knee pain or has bad knees then definitely, such a person will go for the thicker option to protect the knees. I know, a thick mat is not easy to carry but now we require more comfort and support.
Best yoga mat thickness for Hardwood Floors
If I talk about the hardwood or cement floors, I think 4-6 mm is enough to stay safe over the hard floor. If you are a newbie, you can choose 6mm otherwise 4 mm is enough.
Disadvantages of Extra Thick Yoga Mat
An extra thick yoga mat is not to be recommended. Mostly extra thick yoga mats are made of PVC or foam having 6mm + to 10-12 cm. These mats are not eco-friendly secondly, these mats are opened cells that can carry germs and bacteria easily which can be the cause of different problems. Thirdly, normally these mats release different odors or toxins in our environment.
Thick yoga mat with alignment lines
It’s a good option if you choose a thick yoga mat with alignment lines because you can check your directions or angles during exercises. It is recommended for a newbie as they don’t have enough practice to remain on proper directions.
What if the Yoga Mat is too Thin
A thin yoga mat can be hard for your joints means not very good for your joints and if you have an injury, it is not recommended to use them thin enough. These kinds of mats are good for traveling. Usually, thin mats slip on the hard surface and you will not get a good grip. And you know, the grip is more important to stay safe from injuries because you will not balance yourself while practicing yoga.
Final Words
Yoga mat thickness totally depends on your conditions environment and the type of yoga that you are going to practice. The standard yoga mats are between 3 mm to 6 mm. It’s perfect for a normal person in a normal environment but not for those with medical or physical conditions. Always, check the durability and longevity of yoga mats before choosing a new one.
I have shared all the factors that are required to choose the best yoga mat thickness. Share your thoughts in our comments section.